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Year End Summary: 2009

As in 2006, 2007 and 2008, here is a summary of  2009’s highlights for me.

Biggest Change of the Year: After a 7 year long association with Naviscan , I changed jobs this June. Naviscan was the first “real” job that I had. In many respects, the experience made me grow professionally and personally- saw some major triumphs, some disasters; found a great many friends and well-wishers who have helped me at every step of my career.  Switching jobs from a small start up which I helped grow to a behemoth government organization was a huge change: sort of going from the rat’s eye view to the bird’s eye view.

Achievements this year: I consider learning the ropes at NCI as a major accomplishment of the year, but that apart, I completed my Certification in Quantitative Methods in Public Health from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and even spend some time taking that GMAT. I also managed to re-work my website and made this page –a tad bit more professional.   Oh, also one of the products that I helped build and manage the FDA-sponsored trials for at Naviscan, got the CONNECT award (Most Innovative New Products of 2009) & Frost and Sullivan Award (2009 Emerging Technology of the Year)

Travels this year: Compared to the previous years, we did not travel to many places this year. Most of our trips were concentrated in the summer months with a month long trip to India from mid-April to mid-May, an impromptu 4-day trip to Seattle & other areas in Washington and the travel highlight of the year—a week in Alaska. We also had two weekend jaunts : one to Austin for Ree and Litty’s housewarming,  another a Halloween trip to New York to meet Pooja and Atha and two day trips with Ashu and Shweta: one Longwood gardens & a ski-trip to Liberty Mountains.  The official trips this year were to Nebraska , Boston and my annual pilgrimage to Chicago for the RSNA.

Event of the Year: Undoubtedly, my sister’s wedding qualified as the big fat Indian Wedding.  Between the actual wedding, a lavish reception and assorted ceremonies at his and her homes, there was enough excitement that kept us busy for pretty much the first half of the year. And also, with the addition of Asif, we are a true secular family, we now have a Hindu, Muslim, Christian , Atheist and an Agnostic in our immediate family!

Summary this year:  Professionally a great year, personally –Aal Izz Well!

Wish you all a very happy and exciting new year-2010.

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